Tauihu Principal Chosen for FilmUp Mentorship Programme
Tauihu principal Tui Ruwhiu has been selected for the Scrit to Screen 2014 FilmUp Mentorship Programme in the inauugral Script Development strand.
Tui will work with a writer and project under the mentorship of acting and directing coach and script editor Brita McVeigh, The strand will consist of observed script development sessions and reflective one-on-one sessions and discussions about his development practises and philosophies.
The programme runs from May to October 2014.
Script to Screen
Script to Screen’s mandate is to develop the craft and culture of storytelling for the screen in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
It has an extensive programme of events and initiatives for filmmakers, ranging from our grass roots programme of free regional storytelling workshops, to our Writers’ Room discussion events, through to our high-end professional development initiatives, FilmUp and Story Camp Aotearoa.
The FilmUp Mentorship Programme is an eight-month professional development programme of mentorships, group-work, and wrap-around support for writers, directors, producers and script editors. It supports and empowers up to eight practicing filmmakers each year to reach the next stage in their creative careers.
FilmUp provides tailored support to up-skill writers, directors and producers in their craft, career and creative process. Throughout the programme each participant receives 20 hours with an esteemed industry mentor, participates in group work & round tables, and receives wrap-around support.